Courses >> Harness Safety Training

This course will enable delegates to understand the relevant Health & Safety Regulations, Guidance and Standards and have the ability to identify and select the correct form of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) against falls from height.

Course content

  • Course introduction
  • Legislation, standards and guidance
  • Harness, lanyard and fittings
  • Practical task of fitting harness
  • Pre-use checks (including practical checks on a harness)
  •  Usage and anchor points
  •  Storage and maintenance
  • Rescue planning (specific to companies internal plans)


Experience required

No prior knowledge of topic required

Course duration

3 – 5 hours

Number of delegates

1 – 8


Competency / Awareness

start your journey today with quality training that exceeds industry standards.

Renowned for the quality of our training, CB Training is renowned for providing training which is flexible, friendly, monitored, secure and high quality.

Facilities / requirement

A training room suitable for the number of delegates will be required. It’s recommended for delegates to have with them the harness(s) they will be required to use


On-site and training centre

Certification renewal

Recommended every 3 – 5 years however this may depend on the company’s risk assessments and internal policies

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